Friday, September 24, 2010

I should be doing homework instead...

As is the case with most things for me I have a seriously hard time working inside when there is beautiful weather and fun waves calling my name. I love to procrastinate, and one of the many avenues of doing so for me is this: my blog; which I am sure nobody actually reads. So this has become more of a place to bounce around my random, excess thoughts and let out the ones I deem reasonable enough for the unsuspecting person to somehow cross by someday. Thus obviously it must be a beautiful day outside and I am forcing myself to sit in this chair and read some nonsense about our government or about the decline of leisure (which ,for the record, is actually pretty interesting), but in actuality I am writing here, pretending to be busy but simply finding ways to sit here and not actually do anything constructive. This is simply my nature. I have all weekend to get this stuff done. Sadly I don't do well until under pressure, so I will procrastinate until Sunday night probably. A seriously bad habit. YAY! Now I have sat here long enough to where I am obligated to get up and go somewhere else because I have plans for this evening! Successfully done almost zero homework! (now the guilt starts coming on). Tomorrow is a new day. Another day to get homework done a day early. Maybe I will. Probably I won't.

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